The Department of Commerce Office of Textiles and Apparel ("OTEXA") reports, monthly, on U.S. exports
of specialty and industrial fabric (known as the OTEXA Group 206 Report).
To see the latest report, click here.
The following table lists commodity classifications in
Schedule B: Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States
("Schedule B Numbers")
in the OTEXA Group 206 Report, along with brief descriptions. At the six-digit level the Schedule B Numbers in the table are linked to the
corresponding Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
six-digit Subheadings (please note that in some cases the Schedule B Number is further defined
at the eight- or ten-digit level).
Schedule B | Description |
3921.12.0000 | Plates,Sheets,Etc, & Strip,Cell,Plym Vinyl Chlorid |
3921.13.0000 | Plates,Sheets,Etc, & Strip,Cell Of Polyurethanes |
3921.90.1000 | Plates,Sheets,Etc & Strip,Exc Cell,Combined W Text |
5804.10.0000 | Tuls & Oth Net Fab Nt Inc Wov, Knt Or Croch Fabs |
5804.21.0000 | Lace In Pce, Strp, Motif, Nt 6002-6006, Mec Mmf |
5804.29.0000 | Lace In Piece,Not Of 6002,Mech Mde Lce Oth Tex Mat |
5804.30.0000 | Lace, Strips/Motifs, Not Of 6002, Handmade Lace |
5806.10.0000 | Wov Pile Fab (Inc Terry Towel & Sim) & Chenile Fab |
5806.20.0000 | Narr Wov Fab Nesoi Ge 5% Elastomrc Yrn/Rubber Thrd |
5806.31.0000 | Narrow Woven Fabrics, Nesoi, Of Cotton |
5806.32.1010 | Rbns, Mmf Stble/F Mfr Of Typwtr O/Sim Rbn Hdg 9612 |
5806.32.1090 | Ribbons Of Narrow Wov Fab: Man-Made Fibers, Nesoi |
5806.32.2000 | Narrow Woven Fabrics Of Manmade Fiber, Nesoi |
5806.39.1000 | Narrow Woven Fabrics Of Wool Or Fine Animal Hair |
5806.39.2000 | Nar Wov Fab Of Vegetable Fibers Exc Cotton |
5806.39.3010 | Nar Wov Fab 85% Or More By Wgt Silk, Nesoi |
5806.39.3020 | Narrow Woven Fabrics Of Metalized Yarn, Nesoi |
5806.39.3080 | Narrow Woven Fabrics Of Textile Material, Nesoi |
5806.40.0000 | Nar Fab Warp W/O Weft Assembled With An Adhesive |
5808.10.0000 | Braid In Piece W/O Embroid Oth Than Knit/Crocheted |
5808.90.0000 | Orn Trim Pe W/O Embroid N/Kt Croc, Tasel, Pom, Etc |
5809.00.0000 | Woven Fab Of Metal Thread & Metalized Yarn, Nesoi |
5810.10.0000 | Embroid In Pce, Strips, Motifs W/O Visible Ground |
5810.91.0000 | Embroid In Pe, Strip Or Motifs: Oth Embroid Of Cot |
5810.92.0000 | Embroid In Pe, Strip Or Motifs: Oth Embroid Of Mmf |
5810.99.0000 | Embroid Pe, Strp/Motif: Oth Embroid Nesoi Tex Mat |
5811.00.0000 | Qult Tex Prod Pe Gt 1 Lay W/Pad Stch N/Embr H 5810 |
5901.10.0000 | Textl Fabrc,Coatd W-Gum/Amylc,Outer Cover Of Books |
5901.90.0000 | Tracing Cloth;Preprd Paintg Canvas;Buckram-Hat Fnd |
5902.10.0000 | Tire Crd Fab Of Hgh Tncy Yrn, Nyln, Oth Polymdes |
5902.20.0000 | Tire Cord Fabric Of High Tenacity Yarn, Polyesters |
5902.90.0000 | Tire Cord Fabric Of High Tenacity Yarn, Visc Rayon |
5903.10.1000 | Textile Fab Impreg, Coated Etc With Pvc, Of Cot |
5903.10.1600 | Textile Fabrics,Mmf,Coated,Etc, Polyvinyl Chloride |
5903.10.3000 | Textile Fab Impreg, Coated, Cvrd, Lam W/Pvc, Nesoi |
5903.20.1000 | Tex Fab, Impreg, Ctd, Cvrd, Lam W/Polyur Of Cotton |
5903.20.1600 | Textile Fabrics Mmf, Coated, Etc With Polyurethane |
5903.20.3010 | Tex Fab Impreg,Ctd,Cvrd, Lam W/Polyur Of Wool/Fah |
5903.20.3090 | Tex Fabric Impreg, Ctd, Cvrd, Lam W/Polyur, Nesoi |
5903.90.1000 | Tex Fab Imprg, Ctd, Cvd, Lam, Exc Pvc/Polyur, Cot |
5903.90.1600 | Tex Fabric Mmf Coated,Etc With Other Plastic,Nesoi |
5903.90.3010 | Tex Fab Imprg,Ctd,Cvd,Lam W/Plstc, Nesoi, Wool/Fah |
5903.90.3090 | Textile Fabric, Imprg, Ctd, Cvd W/Plastic, Nesoi |
5904.10.0000 | Linoleum, Whether Or Not Cut To Shape |
5904.90.0000 | Flr Coverings Exc Linoleum, Coated Etc On A Tex Ba |
5906.10.0000 | Adhesive Tape Not Over 20 Cm Wide |
5906.91.1000 | Rub Textile Fabrics Nesoi, Knit Or Crochet, Cotton |
5906.91.1800 | Rubberized Textile Fabrics,Knitted/Crochetd Of Mmf |
5906.91.3000 | Rub Textile Fabric Nesoi Knit Etc Not Cot Or Mmf |
5906.99.1000 | Rub Textile Fabrics Nesoi, Not Knit Etc, Cotton |
5906.99.1800 | Rubberized Textile Fabrics,Not Knitd/Crocheted,Mmf |
5906.99.3000 | Rub Textile Fabric Nesoi, No Knit Etc No Cot Or Mm |
5907.00.0000 | Textl Fabrc,Coatd,Etc,Theatrcl Scenery,Back-Cloths |
5908.00.0000 | Textile Wicks For Lamps Etc And Gas Mantles Etc |
5909.00.0000 | Textile Hosepiping And Similar Textile Tubing |
5910.00.0000 | Transmsn/Convyr Belts,Tex Matrl,Whthr/Not Reinfrcd |
5911.10.1000 | Textile Rubberized Printers Blankets |
5911.10.2000 | Textile Fabrics, Oth Than Printers' Rubber Blanket |
5911.20.0000 | Bolting Cloth, Whether Or Not Made-Up |
5911.31.0000 | Textile Fabrics/Felts Papermaking Wghtg Lt 650g/M2 |
5911.32.0000 | Textile Fabrics Etc, Papermaking, 650 G/M2 Or More |
5911.40.0000 | Textile Straining Cloth Used In Oil Presses Etc |
5911.90.0040 | Textile Cords, Braids & The Like, Used In Industry |
5911.90.0080 | Textile Products Etc For Technical Uses Nesoi |
7019.40.0000 | Narrow Fabrics, Woven, Of Glass Fiber Rovings |
7019.51.0000 | Other Woven Fabrics Of A Width Not Exceed 30 Cm |
7019.52.0000 | Oth Wvn Narrow Fbrcs, Ov 30cm Wd, Pln Weave, Etc. |
7019.59.0000 | Other Woven Fabrics Of Glass Fibers, Nesoi |
9612.10.9000 | Typewriter Or Similar Ribbons, Nesoi |
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